Born in Turin in 1942
Swiss family / Liceo Artistico, Turin.
Encounter with artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and others helped him in the development of his own artwork
Catalytic figure in the Arte Povera movement / 1960s
influential artistic figure of the period, albeit not the most famous
Uncompromising commitment in favor of closer ties between art and life/psychiatry/anthropology
13 aprile 2017 - 15 ottobre 2017, NATURE FOREVER, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo Roma
Gilardi partecipated in the Berlin Biennial 2016 on Oct 2017, when Miltos Manetas visited his Nature Forever show at MAXXI in Rome, Italy
List of works
Mixed media
Courtesy Piero Gilardi; MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo Roma

Mare, 1967; courtesy Galleria Giraldi; Livorno, Italy

AIGUES TORTES,, 2008; (particolare) photo: Leo Gilardi